Visionary creative director David James has fortunately (for us) decided to showcase twenty two years of innovation in a unique online exhibition. The resulting site is just too good to miss. David James' Out of Print displays plentiful highlights from his career to date while offering alternate views of articles and 'Idea Evolution' text which unravels the inspirations and concepts behind each piece. Now, you might not recognise the name but if you have picked up a fashion magazine in the last decade you would have undoubtedly admired his craft.
James is best-known, to me at least for his work at Prada (for whom he has been art director since 1997). After twelve years of iconic print campaigns James's work for Prada is now shifting towards the moving image. Even the print ad campaigns for SS10 are stills taken from Yang Fudong's utterly beautiful and fascinating 'First Spring' film. Over the next year, James is said to be repositioning his studio towards working in this medium and it seems fitting to finally celebrate his print work online. As I look through his impressive body of work and unravel the evolution of each idea, I am reminded of a recent article by Craig Mod which discusses the excitement and potential surrounding the unveiling of Apple's iPad. During these uncertain and somewhat confused times, as print splutters and digital surges, one thing is certain with visionaries like James at the creative helm, beauty will always be created and it will always move forward.
You might be more familiar with his work for the Milan fashion house but I adore his work for two of my favourite magazines. Under his creative directorship, Another and AnotherMan magazines have been notable for their typographic experimentation and strong editorial which have been a staple component of my inspiration diet...
This online exhibition, which will come down on 15 May, is a welcome opportunity to view a beautiful body of print work. It is impossible to leave the site without being inspired or at the very least having your aesthetic appetite satisfied.
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